Hello, world!

Welcome to A Dip Kid’s Guide to the Galaxy! My name is Carina, I’m the child of American diplomats who serve the U.S State Department. I’ve created this blog because I want to share my experiences with others, and hopefully create a community of fellow diplomat and third culture kids.

Wait, what exactly is a third culture kid? Put simply, a third culture kid is someone who grew up in a culture(s) other than the one they were born into. I was born in Belgium to American citizens, and I’ve lived in the U.S, Mexico, and Peru. As a result, I’ve experienced more cultures than just the one I was born in. You don’t have to be the child of diplomats to be third culture kid, of course. Many children grow up moving around the world, attending international schools, learning multiple languages, etc. No third culture kid’s experiences are the same, and I think that’s beautiful! I love to see the diversity of our community.

It’s important to note that I am one person with one set of experiences, and I cannot speak for other dip kids or third culture kids. My opinions do not reflect the opinions or actions of the U.S State Department or its employees. I respect the work all diplomats and our families do.

That being said, I will post about my experiences here. Sometimes I write really eloquently, other times my posts will sound simpler, like this one. You can find more info about my life in the upcoming post. I’ll write about my travels, moving, advice, struggles, and more. If that sounds interesting, I welcome you to stick around! My social media platforms can be found under the ‘Contact’ page. I’ve included an email in case you want to send in your stories, ask for advice, or want to write a feature for this blog!

Thanks for sticking around this far. Wherever in the world you are, I hope you have a wonderful day. See you around! ~